ACC Work levies dropping

Employers and people who are self-employed will on average pay 6.9 percent less for their ACC Work Account levy over the coming two years. This reduction comes after standard public consultation by the Government.

As a small business owner – ACC will automatically update your levy rate and you’ll receive an invoice later this year. To find out more about the actual rate you’ll pay visit:

Find out more about the actual rate you’ll pay (external link) — Accident Compensation Corporation

If you’re self-employed — ACC is changing the way you’re levied. In the future, the income from your tax return will be used to calculate your levy for the same year.

Changes to self-employed levies (external link)— Accident Compensation Corporation

From an ACC perspective, being self-employed is different to being a small business owner. Self-employment means you’re the sole proprietor of a business, a member of a business partnership, or an independent contractor. Small business owners, on the other hand, have other people working for them and are responsible for the pay and ACC cover of employees while these people are at work.

The amount you’ll pay depends on different criteria

ACC takes into account different criteria when working out how much you need to pay. These criteria include:
  • which industry you work in
  • your classification unit
  • how much you earn.

The new levies will apply until March 2021

The new levies cover the financial years of 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020, and 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021.

The Government sets ACC levies every two years

ACC levy regulations are determined through public consultation. Consultation about the rate for the coming two-year period took place at the end of last year. Find out what was consulted on and read about the resulting decisions on the ACC website:

Shape your ACC (external link) — Accident Compensation Corporation

Everyone in business in New Zealand has to pay ACC levies

ACC has three different levies for people in business: Work levy, Earners’ levy, and Working Safer levy. Every person in business has to pay these levies. The Work Account levy helps to support people for injuries that happen at work, and it’s different for every business.

Find out more about the three different levies (external link) — Accident Compensation Corporation