Prefab NZ’s guide to Off-site construction

If your building work includes any components constructed off-site, you will need the manufacturer or supplier to provide clear evidence of how their product meets Building Code requirements, as well as providing assembly and installation instructions.

This Good Offsite Guide is intended to provide practical advice to businesses and individuals who are considering utilising Offsite manufacturing techniques in construction. PrefabNZ has collected input from a number of relevant industry groups in an effort to provide a broad perspective and help best inform the decision-making process without bias. –

This guide is primarily aimed at Specifiers: Architects, Designers, Engineers, Building Officials and other building professionals – It is starting point for consideration of the roadblocks facing innovative offsite construction and for specific projects further expert input will likely be required when considering any of the offsite techniques discussed in this guide.

It is designed to complement other resources including the Handbook for the Design on Modular Structures

  1. This version is a live document, meaning that it will be updated and added to, with input from a range of construction industry organisations.
  2. The NZ Regulatory environment is accommodating to new systems and construction techniques; however, new innovations need to be able to demonstrate their compliance with the Building Act. This Good Offsite Guide will provide context, practical guidance and case studies that will highlight the potential challenges and best practice for a variety of established Offsite methods.

View or Download the Good Offsite Guide from Prefab NZ

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