Collection of quotes from Greenstar launch panel discussion

It was a real pleasure to be in a room with so many talented, knowledgeable, passionate people who genuinely give a damn about tomorrow by making a difference today.

I came away inspired and excited about how the new Greenstar initiative by the NZGBC will facilitate change in New Zealand’s commercial building space and bring a new level of positivity to how we can all be more responsible as we push towards greater sustainability.

How do we make the sustainable revolution happen?

Gillian Wess, FMANZ

“Take a strategic overview. Greenstar provides a practical tool to measure.  Need to focus on the triple bottom line – Social, Environmental and Economic”


John Mauro, Auckland Council

“Needs to be fun, it’s about reaching potential. Make it better – forever.  Stop, grab, turn. Stop the old ways, take control and turn towards sustainability (hand gestures required).”


Lee Bint, BRANZ

“We need a future forecast  with a view that’s positive. Leave nobody behind.”


Andrew Eagles, NZGBC

“Create a measure. Make it public and make improvements transparent.”


Rod Oram, Facilitator

“I want to be living on a re-generating planet. If I got a second life, would I be looking forward to coming back?”


Connal Townsend, NZ Property Council

“I’m a shameless cheerleader for the NZGBC. Need to re-frame assets from a ‘whole of life’ perspective.  We need to break the ‘vicious circle of blame’.”

(Vicious circle of blame: For a long time market acceptance, market penetration and market transformation of sustainable buildings has been hampered by various obstacles and prejudices. This is now changing because of prove that sustainable buildings have economic advantages, because of social and environmental responsibility being increasingly accepted by all stakeholders, due to developments in law and standardisation as well as due to the example set by the public sector. The vicious circle of blame for low demand for sustainable buildings can therefore be broken. )

Blog by Trudy Atherton, Builders Base.